October 24 Update 1.20.8


  • Most images and animations have been updated with new renders. We've gone back and relit, reposed and re-rendered almost every image from the beginning of the game up through Emma's rooftop training scene.
  • New Tutorials are now available when starting a new game. The tutorials provides information on navigation, inventory and build app as well as how the mini-games works.
  • Rollback functionality is added to the first 20 missions. You can now use the mouse wheel to rollback dialog and images for most scenes from the start of the game through Emma's rooftop scene. 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with the Clean Basement quest, if the player leaves after using the hammer on the shelves or screwdriver on the lawnmower the parts would not be present when the player returns to the basement.
  • Fixed text in Build the Nursery quest to be 3 White & 4 Maple cribs
  • Added hints to the Find a Pole task when clicking on the cabinets in the garage.
  • Update Mrs. Jones's quests so you can skip them and finish the game.
  • Fix issues with the Crib building & inventory parts to reset them if you leave then return to the crib building.
  • Several grammatical errors have been fixed.
  • When going to memories or opening the phone app the Skip button would stay on.


lockdown-2024-win.zip 10 GB
Version 1.20.8 Oct 02, 2024

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